Wednesday, September 29, 2010

SandWyrm Pattern Chimeras

A while back fellow blogger SandWyrm posted an excellent tutorial on creating set back Chimeras. I personally love the design as it makes our little chugs look much more like the badasses that they should be. It'll screw over your multilaser range a little bit, but cooler model trumps slightly limited functionality for me.

This chimera is the ride that my commander now claims as his personal one and is pretty much straight out of the tutorial but uses the new chimera kit. One of the great things about the set back version is that there are only 5 fire points modeled on the tank, and they aren't those terrible ugly lasguns. I think I'll use a meltagun, thankyouverymuch!

One embellishment that I made to SandWyrm's design is magnetizing the hull mounted weapon on both of these chimeras. I did this by cutting a piece of metal ruler tape and gluing it over the space where the hull weapon would be, then filing down the weapon and sticking a magnet inside. It saves magnets, is very cheap, and ensures that no matter what the polarity of your magnet it will always stick on.

As always, please leave any questions or comments that you have and feel free to contact me by e-mail. Thanks for reading!


the other Kevin said...

Yes, this is a great look. Eventually, I'll replace mine with something like this.

One note of caution on using one magnet. Two magnets hold much better. I did something like this, and the bolter fell off and was lost. I've never lost a piece when I've used two.

Griffit said...

looks nice, good job.

Max said...

@ the other Kevin: yeah, I have found that two magnets are generally better. I'm just shy around them ever since putting those teeny magnets on my Valkyries. The horror...

@ griffit: Thanks!

suneokun said...

Yea! CHUGS rule!

SandWyrm said...

Cool! It's nice to finally see how it looks with the new kit.

Max said...

@ SandWyrm: Thanks- nice to know the original manufactorum head likes them too!