So I’ve had quite a few battles in the past few days and I figured it was about time to tell you about some of them. Two of the other gamers and I decided to try switching armies around for a couple of battles to get a feel for using a different force. The first switch was me going over to Nids. Being a fan of outflanking from my Mobile Infantry Guard lists I decided to go for a genestealer heavy army. Here’s a breakdown of my list:
Broodlord with feeder tendrils and flesh hooks
10 Genestealers with flesh hooks, 4+ save
8 Genestealers with flesh hooks, scuttlers, 4+ save, toxin sacs
8 Genestealers with flesh hooks, scuttlers, 4+ save
8 Genestealers with flesh hooks, scuttlers, 4+ save
3 Bio-acid spore mines
3 Bio-acid spore mines
3 Bio-acid spore mines
Carnifex with venom cannon, barbed strangler, enhanced senses, extended carapace
Carnifex with venom cannon, barbed strangler, enhanced senses, extended carapace
A couple of points of contention that this list brings up:
- 4+ save on the stealers. I could afford a ton more troops if I dropped the save, but not having them die instantly to basic infantry weapons seemed to be a big plus in my book. Plus the army I was borrowing had it modeled on, so that was a plus.
- Spore mines. I figured they were cheap and hilarious and an ok way to deal with tanks, something that this army will struggle with. They can even pen a Land Raider on a wing and a prayer!
I played the former Nid player who was now playing Tau. Set up was in a desert canyon, granting plenty of cover for my stealers and Lictors while at the same time affording a great degree of protective mobility to the Tau jetpacks and grav tanks. He had loaded up on maxed out firewarriors in Devilfishes and railguns, but only 1 team of battlesuits.
Mission was 2 objectives, deployment was long board edges and my opponent won and chose first turn. He deployed his army, and in response I deployed two carnifexes in out of the way locations.
1st turn saw little happening, as my cover saves held out and the Fexes did little to deter the enemy tanks. 2nd turn got a little more interesting as two of my genestealer broods came on, including the one led by the Broodlord.
I unfortunately forgot that the Broodlord wasn’t fleet, so I was unable to assault anything on the turn they entered play. I was repaid for this mistake with boatloads of enemy fire that reduced the Broodlord’s retinue to 4 genestealers. My other brood escaped any molestation, however, and the Fexes continued to prove invincible.
My third turn shooting managed to pin the battlesuits with a Strangler and stun a Devilfish whose firewarriors had disembarked. Also two more genestealer broods came in on the opposite board edge, allowing me to charge for my objective. I made another poor decision in not sending two broods to secure the objective, a choice that would haunt me later. One brood assaulted a hammerhead, hitting it on 6s three times...
then rolling this for armor penetration:
The tank blew up but failed to take any of my troops with it. Victory for the swarm!
The rest of the battle became a mad dash for me to secure an objective. His objective was too far back and well guarded to assault, especially after my Carnifex was finally downed by a lucky missile pod shot. At one point I assaulted 4 tanks at once and only managed to kill one. I also assaulted two firewarrior squads with lone Lictors and slaughtered them both in one round. Yay enemies getting to hit me on 5s!
In the end it was a draw only because the Tau player forgot that he could contest objectives with tanks (his response when I reminded him of this after the game: Contesting? What, you mean getting on an objective and NOT assaulting? Madness!). I probably could have done a bit better if I had managed the Broodlord better and gotten the assault on the Battlesuits with the fleet-enabled Stealers.
Still, it was fun to try out another army for a change. Since he wants to try using my IGuard next time and our Tau playing friend has sadly departed for Montana, I’ll be back to Nids… though I now have the go ahead to borrow elements from another Nids playing friend, allowing me to field everything except for Raveners. Should be interesting…