Monday, November 22, 2010

Ogre Circus: Ringmasta Burnam, Dressed to Kill

 Da Ringmasta Burnam of da BIGGEST SHOW on EARTH  is ready ta GET DA SHOW ON DA ROAD!
 Yes, that's right ladies and gentlemen, Ringmasta Burnam is all painted up and ready to whip some Thinlings' pants off. For my first major greenstuffing project I think he turned out pretty well, and any odd inconsistencies in his clothing I'll just put down to shoddy Ogre craftsmanship. Stupid Ogres, learn ta sew why dontcha?
 Originally his coat was just Blood Red but my girlfriend convinced me that adding a gloss shine would really help it stand out. I think it does the job well, making it seem like polished leather... though the idea of it creaking when Burnam moves around is now in my head. Euugghh...

Also, I like stripey pants, and Burnam seemed to be a good place to have some.
And, as always, since I am a magnet fiend both of his hands are removable. I don't have any replacements made up quite yet, but in the future if I want to switch him over to having a shield/ironfist and/or a great weapon I can do it.

Thanks for reading, and see you all tomorrow.


Von said...

Why has nobody told me about this Ogre Circus business before? This is genuinely inspired stuff. Loving your work.

Papa JJ said...

Ringmasta Burnam looks great, very nice work with the greenstuff on him. Brilliant idea to magnetize his hands, too. Having swappable weapon options would be fantastic!

Max said...

@ Von: I'm not sure, but I hope that this has been rectified now. Thanks!

@Papa JJ: Thanks! Ah magnets, you are so awesome. So awesome that I think I need to order more so I can continue to obsessively include every single eventuality.

Da Masta Cheef said...

lol, that mini is so loud & obnoxious that it just reeks of AWESOME!

Bartender said...

I think the greenstuff conversion is brilliant! He needs some hyenas seated on various platforms!

Max said...

@ da Masta Cheef: he's loud, he's large, and HE'S IN CHARGE!

@ Bartender: thanks! I'm probably going to save the Hyenas for my Hunter conversion, but they will be definitely be coming... probably when a new Ogre book drops and Hunters stop sucking it up. But good idea!